
Disclaimer: While I am a paid undergraduate researcher for Texas Tech University, the opinions expressed on this blog are my own. The statements on this blog are not endorsements of views of Texas Tech University, The Honors College of Texas Tech University, or the math department of Texas Tech University, or any other department or campus organization of Texas Tech University.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

South Carolina Predictions GOP

Here are my predictions for the GOP South Carolina Primary:
Note :  The delegate rules for South Carolina are not proportional and the winner (with or without a majority) gets all the at-large delegates and the RNC delegates, and the winner in each district gets the 3 delegates for that district. Ranges reflect a poll of polls and percentage points may be added or subtracted from the average to get 100%.
 50 Delegates at Stake

1. Donald Trump
Delegates - 47
Range - 33.011-37.155
Center - 34%

I would like to remind people that the vast majority of people do not support Trump, and he may not win if he doesn't get the majority and a brokered convention happens.

2. Marco Rubio
Delegates -3 
Range - 14.85-17.149
Center - 19%

The recent endorsement of the governor and the backlash against the Cruz campaign on the photoshopped photo of Obama and Rubio will push him over Ted Cruz slightly. Rubio might win a district that is more moderate giving him three delegates.

3. Ted Cruz
Range - 16.453-20.398
Center - 18%

The bad photoshopped photo won't help him and the fact Cruz does have a lot of endorsements in the state will give Rubio the slight edge. 

4.  John Kasich
Range - 7.464-11.536
Center - 13%

Kasich's surprising second place finish in New Hampshire will bring him momentum  with undecided voters.
5.  Jeb Bush
Range - 7.746-10.920
Center -9%

Bush is just not gaining any traction in this crowded field but I don't think he will drop out because he has  the money to make it to the end.

6.  Ben Carson
Range - 4.716-7.450
Center - 7%

Ben Carson will probably drop out after this primary because he didn't do well in Iowa (like he was early in the polls) and is just hoping to gain some traction.

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